Be inspired and keep your hope alive, for the dawning of a new day is inevitable. For thousands of years, mankind has been learning and exploring the ideas of duality and how far the pendulum of experiences can swing. Never has mankind been so dark and compromised in its history. Many civilizations have been birthed only to disappear into the mists of time, forgotten except for the remnants found beneath the desert sands. This civilization will also disappear into the vast unknown, taking with it all those who have realized their god potential and learnt to work in harmony with others.
Setting the negative ego aside and realizing that fear has a limited purpose sets mankind on the path of becoming a powerful race amongst the stars. Powerful races are not necessarily those with the greatest fire power or technology; knowing what to do with that kind of power determines the greatness of those stellar races. Power is placed in the hands of peacekeepers, those who defend the weak or new, and those who have learnt to work alongside others in harmony.
Mankind has a way to go before being counted amongst the star races, yet some already embody those qualities by living in harmony and defending the weak. Their only gain is that sharing their strength lays the foundation for a better future. These elements of mankind amongst everyday people are the angels (an Earth term) or the pioneers paving the way. Who each of you is depends on you who have been allotted a specific period of time called a life, so use it wisely.
All formative races on other planets explore the pendulum's swing with the power of free will. They are granted the gift of free will to determine who they are and what they stand for, and they are left for long periods without interference from other races. This is the only way an advanced culture or civilization can emerge with its unique attributes, capable of synergizing with other races.
Power-hungry mankind has a long way to go before they become advanced enough to travel the stars, despite the mock advances and posturing in the media. Being capable of responsibility and working for the good of a greater universe has to be one of the defining attributes that catapult mankind into an advanced future. Learning to synergize with others to give and receive instead of giving and taking are only some of the basic requirements. A civilization that abuses its young, criminalizes those who exercise their free will without harming others, and still lives denying that all peoples are elements in a greater organism called god, ether, or spirit, is too immature to be given advanced technology.
When mankind becomes mature in their decisions, when they give freedom to the oppressed and discard all the laws and policies that imprison the mind, body and spirit – then, and only then, will they be shown the way to the stars. The solar systems, galaxies and this universe work because of a symbiotic relationship between all species and kinds, built on free will and respect and defending those whose free will is threatened.
Be inspired, for millions of 'angels' work every hour by their own resonance, attitudes, and goodness towards the day when mankind will be free to explore the vastness of shared space. Whether you are one of these or wish to be one does not matter – what matters is what you are doing with your life and the precious moments you have. Purge the world of the obstacles that hold it back from its golden cycle by becoming someone worthy of that advanced civilization. Lift your thoughts and feelings towards yourself first and then towards others.
Lift your environment and those around you, and if any choose not to be lifted, then walk on and leave them to enjoy their misery a little while longer, for they may not be done yet. Greet each day with a smile regardless of the weather, being grateful for another day where anyone can make a difference.
Gandhi said, 'Be the difference,' and he was not wrong.
Christ said, 'Love one another,' and he was not wrong.
Buddha said, "Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely," and he was not wrong.
The Tibetan teacher said, "When you wake, be grateful that you have been given another day," and he is not wrong.
The Tao teacher said, 'Stay away from the extremes", and he is not wrong.
Look to the future with hope and anticipation, finding joy in all you do. And if you do not have joy in anything you do, change what you are doing. Mankind does not need your sacrifices if only to pay the rent or keep things the way they are; mankind needs you to sacrifice your fears and the attitudes and thoughts which are forming obstacles to change.
Advanced societies live in harmony and respect whilst learning and sharing. Move from your heart, choose with your mind, and act being filled to the brim with spirit.
And then your future, however long your life may be, is certain, for it does not end with your last breath but continues into infinity.
Editor: Dorothy Turner
Thank you for this joyful sharing.
So many thoughts coming to the surface that i need to ponder and work with, from reading your pieces. Soo very important for us all to do regularly, and work through issues that arise. Powerful!!!