What an interesting topic to explore!
I vacillate between spiritual awareness and exposure topics as I move between lofty ideals and tangible, real experiences. There is a fine line when we travel between the two because any extreme effort in either direction threatens to pull us apart. Our ideals are how our Spirit moves us into other vibrations, where we have to live them, connect with them and become them.
The idea of giving your word, sticking to promises, and having honour seems lost in the forked tongues of everyday dialogue. Honour amongst thieves is a code for ‘not breaking the thought form that is agreed upon.’ Many thieves and many elitist families whose code of honour is either death or obedience run our world. Controllers, tyrants and bullies all have a code that says, ‘obey or be shamed’, or ‘follow my lead or be destroyed’.
This is not honour.
The kind of honour that is true to spiritual people is the one that honours the many facets of the individual themselves. Attacking anyone is not honourable; shaming, naming, humiliating, and embarrassing any individual is not an act of honour. We all have to seek a sense of authenticity, clarity, conviction and courage for ourselves without pulling someone else down. The Knights of the Round Table are the historical ideals that point us in the right direction. What they stood for is the real treasure! We have to learn to honour, respect and acknowledge ourselves before we can do that for others.
Forked tongues are loosely associated with serpents and are mythically aligned with those who say one thing and do another. They will say what they want you to hear and not what they mean or intend to do. Pleasing the listeners has become an art that wordsmiths are expertly using to redirect the opinions of the masses. The singing of praises of those who are not honourable in their private lives and even less in their public lives is rampant now. Hypnosis, NLP, trances, mind-merging and others are often the sophisticated counterparts of this river of lies. Whilst they are harmless methods that can be used for beneficial results, publicly praising egos and shaming are harmful in social media.
Numerous times, we have found those who seem benign and wholesomely balanced cross the threshold of power and discover that lurking behind their facade is an insatiable desire to be ‘someone’ of authority. They must create illusions of power, grandeur, authority, and control to hold their position, and those around them must believe it.
We must honour our traditions, not because of a past of pain and separation, but because we have value and self-respect. We need to celebrate our heritage and what we seem to stand for on this globe of dichotomous ideals. Our spirituality should challenge us to seek the highest truth possible and honour us as pioneers in a world that is physically mapped out but is a spiritual unknown. Many traditions and religious systems have mapped diverse areas that allow control, domination, slavery, devotion, abuse (self and others), and humiliation.
That is not our path.
We have to honour our vision, strength of character, and ability to be vital to what is unfolding. Honouring our dignity is quintessential as we forge through swarms of prideful and egoic outbursts and ideals. Honouring, respecting and knowing that we stand for something and that something is standing for us.
Self-respect is honouring our emotions or feelings! How can we possibly receive guidance about the next vista of spiritual exploration if we cannot even honour our feelings? There may be plans for a one-size-fits-all religion based on a mixture of all current religions in the making, but this is just a poor copy of what took place with the Nicene Council thousands of years ago. Reboot . . . rehash . . . reorganise . . .
Honouring our heritage reaches far into a past that supersedes all earthly belief systems. It guides us to seek the elements that nourish us from within into new realms of spiritual acceptance and moves us in a way that defies any fork-tongued peddler of blind faith. New leaders of faith will emerge as the puppets of political agendas. Still, our spirituality has a long heritage of power and accomplishment, and we will embody the honour that is lacking.
We see this time and time again: those who lift into positions of power, leadership, and authority, and how they are ill-equipped to truly inspire those who look to them for guidance. They become delusional with their own sense of importance, and they forget the little people who quietly observe and hold a flame within their hearts – the flame of divine inspiration, passion and conviction. No congregation, group, or organisation would survive without these flame bearers. They are inspirations themselves. They are honour, perseverance, courage, celebration and commitment; without them, those who fancy themselves as leaders will cease to be important.
In time, the honourable will seek those who stand for something other than a continuous rehashing of the old. Each leader who rises gains the momentum of power, and what they do with it - says everything. Spiritual people with honour, integrity, compassion, patience, and self-respect will eventually find their way into positions of power, and they will inspire the world.
Seek your highest ideal and seek those who inspire you through their own self-esteem and quietly nurture their flame with a sense of dignity and honour. Honour is not just a medieval concept fit for the times of the Knights of the Round Table . . . it is very much alive and as potent as ever!
Image: https://www.istockphoto.com/portfolio/fergregory?mediatype=photography
It is not easy standing up for what you believe especially against the many, but if it was easy everyone would do it, and they don't.
Beautiful words of wisdom.
How timely. I have been watching this idea of honour from times past and people giving their word as their bond/contract. What a different world that creates...