Not only writers, but anyone who has a soul and a conscience, face a decision in these times. It is an interesting one because it calls to our personal natures and how we like to fulfill our destiny. With so much exposure taking place on earth, so many willing to put their lives on the line and bring what has been hidden out into the light, the opportunity to impact in a positive manner is crucial.
Where we make a stand, for not only ourselves but the fate of this world, comes down to temperament, courage, conviction and ability. In the medical field, thousands are coming forward, researching and speaking out about the diabolic measures that are in place regarding the health of humanity. Whistle blowers are never silent, and the number of people that have had the courage to emerge and expose what they have gone through, is staggering.
And yet there are billions who do not want to know what has been taking place because they will not only have to change their thinking, they would also have to adapt and process the information. Those that discover some of the depths of the lunacy, sorcery, and planned mechanisms that plague the planet, find it difficult enough to place themselves within the context of the future. When people do not have the tools to combat the rules, laws and bills that are passed with a frequency equal to the lavatory, they become numb and stop looking.
Hundreds of millions of people still believe their governments, rule makers and think that those at the top are working in their best interests. They still believe the various laws and changes in finances, banking, health, hospitals, councils, food, water, etc, are for the good of humanity.
And there does not seem to be any way in which to shock the truth into them, to wake them up, or to open their eyes. They want to sleep through this time for ignorant reasons. Ignorance will not stop what is happening . . . the agenda is strong as it has been planned and put into place for thousands of years. Executed from the highest level, right down to the ground, a force of anti-life beings has worked its way into all spheres of human existence.
How do we stop it? If you have been paying attention to my articles you will have learnt about the astral (4D for want of a better idea) is merging with this physical reality. Now suppose hundreds of millions of people have fantasized about the most sexual, hideous, perverted and satanic ideas, for a really long time. If you want to know how long . . . just look back at the Dark Ages, Roman, Greek, Aztec, Egyptian, Sumerian, and Babylonian history, and discover what practices they had, or how they treated women, children, men, slaves, animals and nature!
These thoughts have always existed!
But humanity has been safe from their influence to some degree, but now . . . humanity is no longer safe. These fantasies have every right to become embodied into life on earth if they are granted permission or given the structure through which to do so. You may be a person who does not fantasize about harming others but this is not confined to your idea of life and goodness. Millions do not think the way that you do. These fantasies are becoming a part of this physical environment where you are hoping for a safe and enjoyable life.
How are these fantasies given permission you may ask?
-By the acquiescence of humans, the willingness to be ignorant, and by allowing them to become a part of society, through rules and laws [i.e. sexual perversion in schools].
-By being lulled into a complacent and fake sense of normalcy.
-By not questioning and researching, learning and listening.
What do you think a pedophile, abuser, killer, robber, and psychopath dream about? Their thoughts and musings do not ‘get lost’ somewhere and disappear into thin air. All thoughts go somewhere! All of your thoughts go somewhere too . . . to the collective bandwidth where all other thoughts go. In what condition have your thoughts been throughout your life? Have they been pure, honest, of good intent, well meaning, kind, compassionate, and healing?
If they have not – change your life and your thoughts.
Judgment Day minus the religious context and misuse of its function, is this: You will live and experience your own thoughts in increasingly faster manifestations.
Period! Everybody is going through Judgment Day as their long forgotten thoughts come home to roost. No one escapes this cosmic moment. The numbers of rapists, murderers, crooks, fraudsters, etcetera will increase because they have always been there; waiting to be born or to be activated. In some ways, religions like Christianity, Buddhism and others have kept some of this at bay. But even those institutions are not flawless, and you just have to be willing to pay attention to the constant exposure of Catholic priests, evangelical ministers, and other types of religious leaderships.
This is just the first half of my two articles showcasing the idea of exposing the ‘evil’, and the next part will satisfy those that need confirmation of the ability to ascend. This is always a dilemma for us as teachers, for our hearts wish to speak in the tongues of angels and we want to write about the light all the time, but our responsibility is also to the truth. It is a known fact that when students begin with us they must first gather the strength to face their dark side, to dissolve it and to find a place of peace as they begin the ascension journey.
If we place the idea of 3D at the bottom and just above it the 4D spectrum (as an analogy only), with the 5D above that; we can visually see how ‘ascension’ means that we have to leave the 3D consciousness, and move through the 4D consciousness to reach the 5D consciousness. Just for one moment . . . imagine all your lifetime’s thoughts are sitting in your 4D consciousness and you must ascend through them to reach a higher one . . . what are you going to have to ascend through?
What is it that you have to process, accept and take ownership of? Keep your mind’s eye on your judgments, criticisms, negative thoughts, and the things that you have swept under the carpet – these are the items and ideas that haunt you in the astral soup. These are the ideas that if you do not face them within your mind (through mindfulness and meditation) then they will present themselves to you in your reality. They are your doubts, obstacles, hindrances and negative thoughts that have come to join you because they belong to you.
There is no denying ourselves any longer.
There is no longer any degree of leniency regarding cause and effect, if we are both the beginning and the end.
Editor: Dorothy Turner (pending)
Woohoo! 'Judgment Day minus the religious context and misuse of its function, is this: You will live and experience your own thoughts in increasingly faster manifestations.' I am experiencing this. On my drive this morning I went through all of the emotions I was feelings and called them home. 'I know you fear/sadness/guilt, you are me, come home, I integrate you.' By the time I arrived at my destination, I was feeling neutral.
Good article - always appreciate and respect your truth, directness and pure intent🙏