“Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident that they are acting on their own free will” – Goebbels (Hitler’s right hand man and Minister of public propaganda)
Earth is in an interesting time and place. With the grand cosmic cycles leading earth’s inhabitants into a golden age, there is not much that the people can do to change that hour hand moving on the clock. In an earth sense, it equals the mighty Amazon River during rainy season, as it bursts its banks with the tremendous amount of rainfall that surges towards the ocean.
There is nothing that the villagers can do about the increased height of the water and the colossal power of its current, capable of carrying giant trees as if they were twigs. They can only prepare for the upcoming changes as best as they can. A part of surviving the change is being prepared (as the Scouting motto suggests) and knowing what is coming in the near future. Knowing what is coming with that river takes discernment, intuition, receiving, ‘being awake’, open-mindedness, a willingness to listen, and most of all . . . the ability to act upon information when it is given in the best possible way.
The Amazon River is not any different to the Almighty River that is moving through humanity, except in power and potential. The river that humanity is navigating is one of consciousness. Consciousness is stuffed to the brim with frequencies of potential futures and outcomes, and it is up to each individual to intend their highest possible future. This can only be achieved with information, soul searching, course correction and understanding.
The example we taught to our students from over thirty years ago to this current moment is that:
- The river of consciousness is unstoppable.
- Each person is immovable (in that river)
So how do you survive that surge that threatens to overwhelm you and destroy you?
The answer is simple but the execution can be difficult.
The only way to survive the force of the river of consciousness, as your body, life, sanity, health and wellbeing, and finances are steam-rolled, is to allow it to move right through you. Solid objects have to deal with the friction as they resist the flow coming at them, and we all know the term ‘what you resist- persists!’
You are immovable because you are on Earth and you cannot go anywhere else but face that river of consciousness. Turning your back towards it is not an option as you will simply be destroyed – the one golden rule about fishing is ‘never turn your back on the water’ and this applies here too. These floods of consciousness are both the greatest joy and the deepest sorrow, for they bring in the change that souls have yearned for, but at a dear cost. With this flood, the rot of carcasses and poisons are carried away, which means that old systems have to die and be destroyed.
The flood of consciousness can only pass through you, if and when you learn to surrender to it, causing no resistance and allowing yourself to be moved with it. It means that all the emotional hang-ups and dramas that you have held onto must be released. Many people will lose a lot and some will lose everything but if we hold onto anything, we create a resistance that threatens to destroy us. We must be willing to let go and surrender any burdens of any kind, including those that are physical, emotional and mental.
In releasing attachments, which create turbulence, there is a need to become transparent and permeable. Any resistance will create turbulence: resistance to let go, allow, move, change, forgive, and it is the only way to allow and welcome the flow in. The quality of the flow will change as your feelings and vibration lift because at first, the flow will stir up the muddy waters, and as you release your shadows and resistance, the waters become clearer.
“They can never hide the truth no matter how hard they try. There will come a day when, all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and the truth will triumph again.” – Goebbels
The resistances within us are the fears that we hold onto, those moments where we recoil and shrink away. They are our ideas of life, what is important and where to place our commitment. Many people are committed to having nice shoes, more than one car, toys and a lifestyle that extends their budget over the redline; whereas there are millions of people now letting these go. Life may be forcing them to change their perception of survival but at the same time, they are freeing themselves of the burdens of debt and social standing. Rather to survive this river of consciousness by losing a few nails than to cling on hopelessly to ideas that won’t survive the current.
“A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth” – Goebbels
This river is purging all the hidden lies and deceit that has remained festering under the skin of this world. The scabs are being removed for the world to face the hardcore truth that humanity has allowed atrocities to continue for thousands of years. Numbed or dumbed-down, they have turned a blind eye, cowered in the shadows and refused to see what has been taking place right under their noses. Not anymore . . . as this river either sweeps people up in its flow and carries them off to unknown destinations or these same people stand and take ownership of what has transpired.
Everybody across all continents can feel the great surge . . . they can feel that nothing is ever going to be the same again or that the ways of the world are fast changing. There is a burgeoning discontent amongst hundreds of millions – a restlessness – and if not understood, it could pour out into the streets around us. For others, their desperate grasping of normalcy by keeping to the same habits and trying to do the same thing they have always done, is their solace.
It may work for a short time but not forever.
Each man, woman and child must stand and face that river of consciousness and be judged (to quote a known term) by their own level of consciousness. Swept away by their shadows, those that have embarked on deceit, lies, harm, fraud, theft, abuse, misery, hatred, will find themselves stranded where no individual ever wishes to be. Those that surrender who they thought they were and allow a new version of themselves to emerge amongst the chaos, will experience the subsiding river, and the harmony that it brings in the aftermath of this world event.
Editor: Dorothy Turner
Image: https://www.istockphoto.com/portfolio/fotojog?mediatype=photography
There is a PEACE that transcends all understanding - when we surrender to a higher order that can move us in the right direction.
Wow! What poetry in words, inspiration and a call to action. Loving it! Thank you.